Here’s How Businesses Can Be Empowered to Tackle the Global Plastic Problem
Plastic waste has become one of the biggest threats to the environment and is harming the ecosystem in a big way. Perhaps, there is no place on Earth that is not impacted by this global plastic problem. The global plastic problem has gone out of hand in such a big way that now if you dig up a spade full of soil, you will definitely find plastic debris in it. Not just land, even the water bodies are impacted by this plastic pollution and right from oceans to rivers, plastic is everywhere, messing up with the marine flora and fauna.
The situation currently is a little different from what it was a few years ago as nowadays people are at least aware of the plastic problem. Earlier, there was not much know-how about what to do with the plastic waste due to which a majority of the waste used to end up in the wrong places, polluting the Earth. In the absence of proper regulations as well as awareness, people were using plastic indiscriminately and, in the bargain, adding to the global plastic pollution.
Businesses are Now Driving Change with Innovative Ideas
While earlier only NGOs were known to take up issues such as this and work towards finding solutions, nowadays the scenario is quite different. The global plastic waste management industry is expected to generate about USD 37.9 million by the year 2024 and in order to tap into this growing market, several companies are coming up with innovative solutions to speed up plastic waste management.
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